07.29.13 - Hayward to speak at EFactor's Keynote on Angel Investing

Chicago, IL — July 29, 2013 VentureLab Partner Larry Hayward will be speaking at Efactor's Angel Investing Keynote Panel to be held in downtown Chicago on August 21.

Larry will be among a group of Angel Investors and CEOs/Founders who will speak about Angel  Investing. For more details on the event and future Efactor events please follow the link. Efactor Presents : Angel Investing

EFactor, the world's largest entrepreneurial community, provides resources that every small business owner needs: funding, knowledge, gain revenue and save cost. At EFactor, entrepreneurs exchange ideas with experts, receive exclusive discounts on business tools, interact with potential partners or clients, and discover funding for their startups.

About VentureLab

VentureLab provides business and financial advisory services to early-stage companies. VentureLab works with business owners and entrepreneurs to identify their core needs, evaluate the company’s strengths and opportunities, build plans to facilitate the greatest return on investment, and execute those plans to raise capital, form strategic alliances, and grow the company. Headquartered in Northbrook, IL, VentureLab serves clients in the Midwest and throughout the United States. www.theventurelab.comContact: Larry Hayward, 847.739.0100, lkh@theventurelab.com


09.12.13 - Hayward is Speaker at Rice University 11th Annual Energy & Clean Tech Venture Forum


06.05.13 Hayward Joins Board of EcoMyths Alliance